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2003 Articles
Spotlight Fitness - Flexibility for a Resilient Body
It is my belief that everyone has the innate ability to manage their own bodies. Enhanced flexibility allows ones body to be more adaptive to the paces it's put through. The benefits of enhanced flexibility are increased dexterity and agility, injury prevention, and pain relief. There are a number of ways to increase your flexibility. Manual stretching, active assisted stretching and yoga are a few effective choices. > More
Spotlight on Bass - Al Tarana
Al Tarana is a virtual renaissance man of the bass. He has gigged with at least 30, possibly more than 40 bands, with experience encompassing a myriad of genres. > More
Musician's Corner: Foundations
I received an email previously from a reader who asked the golden questions regarding two of their favorite area bands: "What are your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions for their brand of music to move ahead to more listeners?" And, "What are your suggestions for them to draw a larger audience in the local area...?" > More
Spotlight on Bass - Vic Herold
Hello again, bass fans and area musicians. It is my sincere pleasure to be presenting "Spotlight on Bass" to you on The spotlight will go on as planned and promised. > More
Spotlight Fitness - Water-our most basic nutrient.
Most people are not aware of how much water they consume in a day. Most often, it's not enough. Historically it has been said that a person should consume 64 oz. of fluid per day. Actual water consumption needs vary from person to person and may come from non-caffeinated beverages as well as food with high water content. This does not include water needed while exercising or being active. > More
Day Trips - Bristol Renaissance Faire
This year's 16th annual Bristol Renaissance Faire beckons Midwesterners back to a time when knights were noble, maids were merry, and turkey legs were titanic. Each Saturday and Sunday from June 28 through August 24, more than 1,200 period performers, artisans and merchants will inhabit the wooded village near Kenosha, Wis., taking visitors along for a rollicking romp through Elizabethan England. > More
Musician's Corner: What Do You Listen To?
As musician's, we have a responsibility to be well educated in the school of music. What do I mean, "well-educated?" Some will argue they got into music in the first place because they hated school. Others will point out that to be a musician requires incredible intellect, understanding of mathematics, and literary skill. What I'm talking about here is knowledge of music as a whole. It's many styles, incarnations, and rich history. Sounds pretty boring right? Read on... > More
Day Trips - Historic Galena
The picturesque city of Galena, located just over 80 miles west on Route 20, offers something for everyone. Galena delights visitors with a several Historic sites and attractions, a wide variety of specialty shops, fine dining, and lodging. > More
Spotlight Fitness - A Balanced Approach to Addressing the Rigors of Touring
As an avid concert goer as of late, and a personal trainer for the last 12 years it has become apparent to me that... > More
Musician's Corner: Backstage Pass
Most fans of music out there would probably be disappointed to know that backstage at any kind of live music event, whether it's rock, rap, or not all sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. We all know the folklore, and I think, for some reason like to believe the myths that surround this mysterious and sometimes surreal backstage world... > More
Dear Sarah
The indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days - perhaps tomorrow. And lest I should not be able to write you again I feel impelled to write a few lines that may fall under your eye when I am no more. > More
Musician's Corner: Three Parts Rancor, One Part Review...
These days, it seems anyone can be a reviewer or critic. These are the people who give their expert opinions on entertainment products like movies, books, music, and art for example. Some people hang on their every word, while others dismiss them as lepers. What’s your position? > More
Musician's Corner: So You’re in a Band? So What.
Kind of a rough title I know, but I needed to get your attention. Must have worked. Congratulations on finding the Musician’s Corner. This is the place for musicians and fans of music to come for insights and information on how to not only survive, but to thrive and prosper in the music business locally and regionally. > More
VERNE: Rockford's #1 Music Fan
Verne Smith is Rockford's version of Dick Clark...He is officially immortalized as Rockford's (first ever) Number One Music Fan (2000 RAMI Awards). He's innocent like a child, yet wise to the ways of Rock & Roll. Mix a shot of "Jack," a cold beer, a cigar, with live music-- and his pulse lunges into full gear. > More
The Front Burner 2002
Every January for the past five or six years I have compiled a list of favorite recordings for the previous year, created an accompanying "sampler" mix CD, and foisted the whole package upon unsuspecting friends. The intention is not for it to be a "best of" list because I don't think that I am qualified to determine what music is better than the rest. I do know what appeals to me, though, and that is what drives these "Front Burner" lists and mixes. > More
Are There Garages in Sweden?
Thanks to bands like the White Stripes, the Strokes, the Vines and the Hives, rock & roll's ugly drunken uncle, garage rock, has found its way onto the airwaves and into the gossip columns from coast to coast. But did garage rock REALLY need reviving, or was it getting along well enough on its own without these meddling kids? > More
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