rockford illinois entertainment guide
2004 Articles
First Night 2005... It's Hot!
New Year's Eve is just around the corner. You want fun. You want excitement. You want to choose your entertainment and you don't want to mortgage your house to get it. So where do you go? First Night 2005 has just what you need. > More
Haunted Rockford
With Halloween upon us, many people turn to watching monster movies, and others tell ghost stories. Often times these stories are passed on from generation to generation. Whether there is truth to them is really not for us to guess, but rather we should enjoy the story. > More
Major Market Comedy Acts Now in POPLAR GROVE!
Not many smaller markets, such as Poplar Grove are able to have national comedy shows like you would see in the major markets of Loa Angeles & New York. The Funny Business Agency is now bringing national comedy acts to Poplar Grove every Thursday at CHUBBY RAIN. > More
Spotlight on Bass - Dave Kaye
Hello again, bass fans. Didn't mean to dis' you like that, but I've been a bit busy. I'm now working as a publicist and have been traveling quite a bit. This is a special Spotlight for me, as Dave Kaye is the one who sparked my interest in bass players. > More
Harmonica Joe: Rockford's #1 Guest Harp Player
Harmonica Joe was born in Rockford in 1944. About nine years ago, at age 50, he began playing harmonica and soon became known around town as "Harmonica Joe." Joe is now the most regular guest harmonica player in town, and a vital part of the blues scene in Rockford. > More
Heard Around Town 5.8.04
In our first edition of our new column - Heard Around Town -Are a number of quotes overheard while attending Groove Walk 2004. Don't worry all names used are changed to protect anonymity. > More
Spotlight Fitness - Meditation for the Winter Blues
At some time or another, be it the extreme cold or cabin fever, the dead of winter tends to get us down. Meditation may be an answer to keeping you motivated, inspired and feeling focused. Here are a few simple suggestions to get started. As a compliment to this article, please see the previous article on meditation at > More
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