rockford illinois entertainment guide
Date: 09/18/2002
by Tab Harmon
L.O.C., last year's Bandamonium winner, plays with a high energy heavy fury that rivals Metallica, MegaDeath and Linkin' Park. The band has been together since 1999 and consists of six members:

Tobe Kanneburg - Drums
Ron Peek - Bass
John Kampmeier - Percussion
Jesse Davis - Guitar
Erik Cappen - Guitar
Tim Bourbon - Vocals

L.O.C. works hard at promoting themselves and building a fan base. They consider their fans "friends" and are known for getting the audience to participate in their shows by bringing them on stage. They take the time to get to know their fans by socializing with them after a show or by holding contests like pudding wrestling, and muffin eating.

Currently, L.O.C. has a three song CD completed and they are working on releasing a full length CD in the near future. All the band members have equal input in their music. They have a great sense of trust and respect for each other's talent. L.O.C. realizes that not only is playing music fun but it is also a business. They work very hard at promoting themselves and would like to see the local media get more involved in playing and supporting local artists.

To date they feel their biggest gig has been this year's On the Waterfront show. L.O.C. played to an audience of about 400 people on Friday night. As is usual for an L.O.C. show, the crowd was thriving on the high energy sound. The band's favorite places to play in the stateline area are, Elixur, Kryptonite, Otto's and Club Raven.

Besides releasing their first CD, the band has a number of plans for the future. One is getting a tour bus and taking their music on the road. They are pursuing hopes of getting signed to a recording deal. The idea of starting their own record company and signing other artists is another one of their future plans.
Contact Information
Steve Park
815/964-6026 or 222-7179
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