rockford illinois entertainment guide
Date: 11/09/2005
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire - Latest Installment Is Set To Thrill Rockford
by Gary Hill

Devotees will need no introduction, but for those who don't know about Harry Potter (have you been hiding under a rock the last few years) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fourth movie in the series. The films are based on the series of books by JK Rowlings and center around a young man named "Harry Potter" who is the child of a witch and a wizard, but didn't know that fact for many years. He only found out (both of his parents were killed in an attack that left him both orphaned and scarred) when an emissary from Hogwarts (a school for magical education) shows up to bring him to the school. That event happened in the first book and movie, and since then there have been a lot of adventures.


Potter (and the audience) has learned since that fateful meeting that he is the only person to have survived a curse from Lord Voldemort. This has made him something of a legend, and also a target, as Voldemort is still alive and seeking to kill him. The previous three films have shown that in the wizarding world there are good guys, bad guys and some whose motives and alliances can't be certain. What they have also shown is that they represent some very good entertainment that while certainly marketed towards children, should appeal to adults just as well. While the previous movies were all rated "G", this one pulled a "PG-13" for sequences of fantasy violence and frightening images. Other than that factor, this one, like the rest is sure to be good fun for the whole family.


According to Warner Brothers (the company releasing the film), "in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) must contend with being mysteriously selected to compete in the prestigious Triwizard Tournament, a thrilling international competition that pits him against older and more experienced students from Hogwarts and two rival European wizarding schools. Meanwhile, supporters of Harry's nemesis, the evil Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), send a shockwave of fear throughout the wizard community when their Dark Mark scorches the sky at the Quidditch World Cup, signaling Voldemort's return to power. But for Harry, this is not the only harrowing news causing him anxiety&he still has yet to find a date for Hogwarts' Yule Ball dance."


The movie opens November 18. Until then you can get more information from Warner's website at I'd say that it would probably be advisable to get your tickets early as these movies are always very popular. If you haven't seen the other three (and why not?) then you have a little time to rent them and see what you've been missing before jumping headlong into this one. This is definitely a film series worth catching on the big screen, though; so don't miss this one in the theaters.

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